Coin ValuesHobbies & Crafts

Coin Appraisals – How To Find The True Value Of Coins Via A Coin Appraisal

us-standing-liberty-quarter-photo-by-caveman-92223.jpg Have you ever wondered how to go about appraising your coin collection?

Whether you just have one old coin or several, someday there will come a time when you want (or need) to find the true value of your coins.

Appraising a coin collection, especially if it contains rare and valuable coins, generally requires you to do a few things:

I cannot overstress the idea of getting a general idea as to the value of your coins before actually getting an appraisal. If you don’t know what your coins are worth — roughly — then you risk getting an appraisal from an unscrupulous coin dealer who will snag away that $1,000 coin for $50.

Check out a current edition of a coin pricing magazine at your local news stand or bookstore to find out more about your coins’ values. Most of these price guides also have a basic guide to grading which will help give you a better idea as to what your coins may be worth.