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1965 Quarter Value: How To Tell If You Have A Rare 1965 Silver Quarter Worth $7,000

1965 Quarter No Mint Mark

Did you know there’s a 1965 silver quarter worth more than $7,000?

Rare quarters are hard to find, but this one is worth looking for!

Not all 1965 quarters are rare — in fact, most are common.

But at least one 1965 quarter was struck on the wrong metal.

As a result, collectors are always searching for this 1965 quarter error in their collections and in their pocket change.

Here’s everything you want to know about the rare 1965 silver quarter error. Plus all 1965 quarter values — both, with and without errors.

Here’s a list of all 1965 coins worth money.

Have A 1965 Quarter With No Mint Mark?

Unfortunately, that alone doesn’t make it rare.

In fact, NO mintmarks appeared on circulating U.S. coins from 1965 to 1967.

That’s right, the 1965 quarter isn’t supposed to have a mint mark.

Therefore, if you have a 1965 quarter with no mint mark, it’s perfectly normal.

What Makes A 1965 Quarter Valuable… And Rare?

Is there anything special about a 1965 quarter?

Well, at least one 1965 quarter has a value of more than $7,000 and is considered quite rare.

Of course, not all 1965 quarters are rare.

Here’s how much a typical 1965 quarter is worth today:

  • Most worn 1965 quarters that you find in pocket change are worth only face value of 25 cents.
  • Typical uncirculated 1965 quarters are worth $1 to $2.


Several years ago, one coin collector discovered a 1965 quarter that was mistakenly struck on a 90% silver planchet (the piece of metal on which a coin is struck).

This 1965 silver quarter is known as a transitional error coin.

The 1965 silver quarter error was made at a time when the United States Mint was transitioning away from striking dimes, quarters, and half dollars on 90% silver planchets.

We know at least one 1965 silver quarter survived…

Are more of these rare and valuable 1965 silver quarters out there?


How Can You Tell If A 1965 Quarter Is Silver?

Would you know if you have a 1965 silver quarter?

Wondering how to tell a 1965 silver quarter from a regular 1965 copper-nickel clad quarter yourself?

It’s actually pretty easy to identify a 1965 silver quarter from a 1965 clad quarter simply by using a scale — any scale that can measure down to the hundredth of a gram.

See my favorite scale for weighing coins.

To see if you have any 1965 silver quarters, pull out all of your old 1965 quarters (and your coin scale) — and start weighing them:

  • All 90% silver Washington quarters weigh 6.25 grams (give or take a few hundredths of a gram for wear and planchet differences).
  • All copper-nickel clad Washington quarters weigh 5.67 grams (again, give or take a few hundredths of a gram).

The Bottom Line…

If you’ve got a 1965 quarter that weighs more than 6 grams, it’s worth getting inspected in-hand by a coin certification firm that encapsulates coins in plastic slabs.

But if your 1965 quarters weigh less than 6 grams on a coin scale, then it’s okay to spend them!

What's a 1965 quarter worth? Find the value of your 1965 quarters here!

More Info About Rare Quarters

111 thoughts on “1965 Quarter Value: How To Tell If You Have A Rare 1965 Silver Quarter Worth $7,000”

    • Hi, Imlan —

      Could you please post a couple clear photos of your coin here?

      I’ll be glad to help you further,

  1. The last 90% silver dimes, quarters, and half dollars were made in 1964.

    It’s actually a bit more involved. The first 1965-dated clad quarters weren’t minted until August of that year. Dimes and half dollars followed shortly afterwards but weren’t released until early 1966. Under the Coinage Act of 1965, that date was used on clad coins struck up through the middle of 1966. Under provisions of the same act, the Mint continued striking silver coins with the 1964 date, also well into 1966. Treasury Secretary Fowler announced that earlier-dated coins would be produced until August 1, 1966, at which point contemporaneous dating would be resumed.

    Given the length of time that coins were being struck from two different compositions and carrying as many as three possible dates, it’s a tribute to the Mint’s quality control that so few transitional errors occurred.

    • Nice find, Tammy! It’s worth about 85 cents to $1! Remember, all of the five-cent pieces from this era with the mintmark over the dome of Monticello have a 35% silver composition.


  2. Hi Joshua! I think I know the answer, but I just found a 1965 quarter on a beach in Hawaii, covered in a green coppery cover. I had to knock off some of the covering to see what the coin was, and it then revealed the 1965 date, so I stopped chipping away. Is there any worth beyond the face value of a coin like this? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/67f1afe7f9c75c9e2f40f849079f21272371b89b37d56f1c41737b07d7c723f3.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/32068a5f8674328400d41f8f0cdb59f89a0001b97e4e4a77092e26615d48cbc1.jpg
    Thanks! I was so excited it might be a dubloon!

    • Aloha, Scott!

      It looks like this quarter has lots of environmental damage and,
      I’m afraid, is not an error. But at least this trip to a Hawaiian beach left you 25 cents richer!

      Best wishes,

  3. Hey I found a 1965 quarter, and it ways more than six grams? Where would I get it looked at professionally? Other than like hype myself up thinking something else

    • Hi, Justice –

      How much more than six grams does it weigh? Was this measured on a scale that weighs down to at least the tenth of a gram? If weighed on a scale that notches only at whole grams, it may be that the clad quarter weighing 5.7-ish grams registered 6 grams because the scale rounded up. I would definitely try weighing this on a scale that recognizes tenth grams and then if you get a measurement of 6.1 or 6.2 grams pursue further…


    • Hi, Baqloul Mohammed —

      As this piece is a circulated 1966 copper-nickel clad quarter is worn, it is very common and worth its face value of 25 cents USD. Unless, of course, there is a collector who really needs this coin and is willing to pay more.

      Hope this info is helpful,

  4. Joshua: My name is Anita Gordon and my email is [email protected]. I found a 1965 quarter with 2 small indented holes. One hole is above the nose and the other hole is below and between the L & I. Please let me know if this is rare. I actually seen a rare quarter 1965 with 1 hole exactly as I described in the exact same place as the one above the nose. The quarter is very tarnished.

    • Hi, Anita —

      Photos are always helpful for something like this but based on your great description it sounds rather like post-mint damage,
      With the tarnish being environmental damage. If this is the case, your quarter is worth face value.

      Best wishes,

    • Hi Timothy and Katie,

      Early clad coins like your 1965 copper-nickel quarter are known for having error in which the chemical bonds between the copper core and copper-nickel outer later weren’t always spot-on, leaving situations like this in which the layers are split. Assuming this to be genuine, I suggest contacting Fred Weinberg and/or Jim’s Coins… These are two major coin dealers who specialize in errors and may be willing to look at it or buy it if you’re interested in selling. Here’s their info:

      Fred Weinberg: https://www.fredweinberg.com/
      Jim’s Coins: https://www.jimscoins.com/error_coin_examples.php

      Best wishes,

  5. Joshua, I just wanted to thank you. A little background: I’ve been reading bits and pieces of things on your site for a time tonight after finding this article. I’ve got a 1965 quarter that I’ve had for years and years now because I thought it might be silver (even though I’d read that it couldn’t be years ago) – just because it sounds different when it drops on a table than other 1965 quarters I’ve come across (I compare every one!) and it has an appearance that just said silver to me more – like the coloring is just a bit different and it doesn’t have an aged copper look to it. None of that counts for anything though, and obviously I’m not an expert! 🙂

    I’ve weighed it after finding your article here, and it’s just a bit under the 6 grams (5.82) so I feel like… it’s probably not silver. But I’m going to keep holding on to it anyway, since I’ve managed to keep this one quarter for more than 20 years now. (Seriously, years and years.)

    All that is to say, thank you so much for putting all of this information out here, that alone is a wonderful thing to do. Then when I read through the comments, I was even more delighted! What a gracious and patient soul you are to answer so many queries and do it in such a pleasant way – even when you get guff and attitude back at you. It’s just so rare to find genuine niceness on the internet now… you get 20 gold stars for being a wonderful human being. Thanks for putting kindness out in the universe!

    • Hello Nitesite,

      You have no idea how much your comments uplift me to read. This is one of the many reasons I do what I do… With the hope of educating others and being there to help them as best I can. It’s the type of resource I wish I could have had when I was starting out in the hobby as a young kid more than 25 years ago, and it means a lot to know there are people out there who appreciate my comments and help. I’ll never claim to have the answers to EVERYTHING about coins(!), but I do hope I can at least guide people in the right direction.

      As for your 1965 quarter, it may be something worth getting tested by a coin authentication or variety service someday, or at least a metallurgist, for a definitive answer. Or, maybe — just maybe — leave it alone and let the mystique of the coin intrigue you for the age 🙂 Either way, I wish you all the best and am grateful for your taking the time to share with me your wonderful comments. I really do appreciate it.

      Happy New Year!

    • Hi, Jl —

      Unfortunately, the oddities being pointed out on this coin are forms of post-Mint damage. This piece is safe to spend…

      Thank you for reaching out,

    • P.S. — The appearance of a “Y” is just caused by a dent in the coin that shifted the metal at the top of the “T.”

    • I checked it with a metal detector, I brewed it. I can send you a picture. In the picture you can already see that the unique silver

      • Hi, Damian —

        I’ll be able to help you further once I know more about this coin and can see a couple of very clear photos of it. You can post the photos of your coin here in the comments section.

        Thank you,

    • Hi, Piko —

      That is totally normal and within tolerances of the 5.67 gram issue weight, so it sounds like a normal quarter. If you’re hoping for a silver quarter the weight would be close to 6.2 grams.

      Best wishes,

    • Hi,

      Unfortunately the artifact that you note as an “extra strike” is rather circular, post-mint surface damage (likely from a vending machine). This piece is worth its face value…

      Thank you for reaching out,

      • Thank you Josh Im a newbie obviously lol
        Ive followed alot of your posts throughout the year & very impressed with the dedication and care you show every person who’s questions you respond to everyday. It’s greatly appreciated. Thank you

        • Hi,

          Your kind words and feedback really mean a lot! I do appreciate it… It’s always my hope to help everyone as best I can and to assist those who take their time to post questions here to learn about and enjoy the hobby a little more!

          Thank you and have a wonderful day!

    • Hi, Norma —

      As for the two coins here, they appear to both be copper-nickel clad — and judging by the date of the quarter alone (1965, as it appears in the photo), it would indeed have been made during the first year of clad coinage.

      If you suspect the quarter is an off-metal error made from silver, it would need to be weighed and tested in-hand to evaluate it for silver. At the very least, it would need to weigh around 6.25 grams — noticeably heavier than the typical 5.67 grams for a clad quarter. Only a gram scale with increments of at least a tenth a gram could detect this, due to rounding on a gram scale that measures only in whole grams.

      Hope this info is helpful,

    • Hi, Ulises —

      The coin needs to be weighed to help determine if it’s silver or clad, but from what I see in the image it appears to be a normal clad issue.

      Best wishes,

  6. Hi I’m gil from Colorado Springs Colorado. I have a beautiful 1965 quarter that has no mint and weighs 5.8 to 6 grams

    • Hi, Gil —

      The 1965 quarter pictured is showing a copper edge indicating it’s a regular copper-nickel clad piece. While the coin may have only light wear, because it still shows circulation rub it’s unfortunately worth only face value.

      FYI, the U.S. Mint didn’t place any mintmarks on coins struck from 1965 through 1967, nor do most Philadelphia-minted coins made before 1980 bear them! If you want more info on this you might want to check this out: https://coins.thefuntimesguide.com/philadelphia_mint_marks/

      Thanks for reaching out,

    • Hi, Gil —

      This is a regular 1992 (not a Close AM) penny, and the smudges of metal on the rim of the nickel are rim bumps acquired in circulation. Neither coin is worth more than face value.

      However, if error coins are your interest (and they CAN be found in pocket change!) I suggest you to focus your efforts on the coins profiled here: https://coins.thefuntimesguide.com/us-coin-errors-and-varieties/

      Much luck to you!

  7. Awesome article man very informative so now to me bugging you about my quarters lol. I’ve actually been trying to look these up for 3 months now and about 2 nights ago I finally came across a couple of videos and well for a lilbit I was absolutely sure of what they were but after having the reddit crowd lead me down their toxic Lil well I’m not sure if they really are what I researched. The thing is if they aren’t what I believe then it’s either coins that have no other examples of them to be found or they are even more rare than what YouTube claims to be the rarest error lol. I will send any pictures or videos you or anyone else wants to see and as close up to it as you could dream of looking at them. I’ll also have to be completely honest as bad as I want pgsc to get their hands on them and shove them into one of those plastic cases I’ll growing feathers and learning to quack before I shove these into any U.S.A. postal mail services lol.
    I was slightly unsure of this before but I’m beginning to believe I have 2 1965 quarters that will auction for more than 100k after its over with and yes one is silver I havnt gotten to weigh it yet but all the ridges are clear and plain to see its just extremely frustrating to be sitting here looking at these coins and knowing evidently how rare and amazing these things have to be and how much they are likely worth as my phone is turned off and now I’m just waiting for my wifi to get shut down and everyone else is just saying na they might look weird man but I mean it’s you so those can’t be real or worth anything rrrrrrr lol I’m sorry it’s just so aggravating knowing what I know but being held back cause evidently I’m not allowed to be in possession of anything rare and mind blowingly expensive. I’m gonna try one last time to have someone look at these pics and if no one is interested in what I’ve got I reckon I’ll just wait and save up the $ for a plane ticket myself fly to whatever state pgcs headquarters is in and walk in to hand them to them by myself but if anyone sees these pics and wants to see others or ask for me to make any certain kind of them I will gladly do so I’m not sure if I’d even be allowed to put .my email here but on Facebook im Lewis Walker of troy,tnn 38260 my profile pic will have my goofy self wearinn black hoodien after I upload these pics I’m sleeping for a few hours lol https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/48530bcf3e73b1515e3284436b795abfcb80398928b5eea41993f1ba78f7d89a.jpg

    • Hi, Lewis —

      I’m hopeful for you that your 1965 quarters are silver, but even if the edges don’t appear to reveal copper it’s still a wise idea to weigh them before spending money on getting them graded — or buying plane tickets!

      For around $10-15 you can buy a scale that can weigh coins down to at least a tenth of a gram. Here’s more info on that: https://coins.thefuntimesguide.com/best-scale-for-weighing-coins/

      A 1965 silver quarter should weigh around 6.25 grams, so I’d personally recommend spending the money on having these coins professionally graded ONLY if the scale shows these coins weigh somewhere between 6.1 and 6.3 grams. If they weigh closer to 5.5-5.7 grams, they’re copper-nickel and safe to spend.

      I’m wishing you all the best!

  8. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/98b9cfbe109c96bf94141338dbff54ac053e9ea5a4713563a281876dfce3946b.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/d06b0f4f978243e42dc142d449ab0f538837f9132d8cca43cbfae6e3e9efd3eb.jpg

    So I randomly went through my quarters today and happened to find a 1965 and decided to google it. I found this article that has taught me a lot and now I am wondering if I should get a scale off amazon to measure it and see if it’s 6.1 – 6.3 grams. The edge seems to show copper and I am not sure if that means it is more likely to be silver or copper- nickel. I would love to hear your thought Josh!

    • Hi, Ryley —

      Buying a coin scale that measures in increments of at least a tenth gram is a fantastic investment in your hobby pursuits. In this case, I can tell you off the bat that what you have is a regular 1965 copper-nickel quarter, and in circulated condition like this it’s worth face value. If you find a dime, quarter, half dollar, or dollar coin in this format with the orange or brown banding visible on the edge, it’s copper-nickel clad.

      Thank you for reaching out!

  9. Hi there,
    Do you know if this is an error or if this was done by some kind of machine while in circulation?
    Also, the obverse looks like it has some strike through errors.

    • Hi, Merriam —

      This coin was counterstamped outside the mint with the “6” and “9” numerals. There are various reasons why this may have been done, and the coin may have been used for anything from being used as a sort of voting ballot for the board of a private organization, a gaming token, or even a special giveaway from a merchant. Though altered outside of the mint, pieces like these are often collected as novelty coins and can fetch a couple dollars; someone might be willing to pay far more for it if we could trace the counterstamp back to an origin with a story.

      Neat find!

  10. I have a 1965 ddo you can see is very well in the In God We Trust
    would you happen to have a value on one thats circulated but still looks nice?

    • Hi, JR —

      I’d need to please see a clear image of both sides of the coin to really be of much help in this case… They can be posted here in this forum.


      • Hello Josh I happen to have a few coins that I have came across. One of those said coins I feel is one that I’m not sure if they know exists or not. Everything I have read about about the coin is that they think there is only one in existence. It is a 1970 quarter that has been printed on a different coin and I’m not sure if it’s Canadian that this one was printed on or not but the one that was found was estimated at $30 to $35,000. Can you please help me I don’t want to just go to any appraiser. Thank you in advance. Let me know where to send you pictures of the coins.

        • Hi, Elle —

          As much as I appreciate your reaching out to me about this and would love to help, to properly authenticate what could be a second example of a coin long considered to be unique would require an in-hand evaluation.

          I suggest you submit your coin to one of the major third-party coin authentication companies such as Professional Coin Grading Company or Numismatic Guaranty Company or personally bring it into a nearby reputable dealer.

          Here’s a list of vetted dealers around the United States who belong to the Professional Numismatists Guild: https://png.memberclicks.net/find-a-png-dealer

          Good luck!

  11. Hi Josh, I was wondering if I could get maybe a little advise on whether a couple coins I have are factory errors or of made while in circulation. Also I’d they are errors made before being in circulation, what would the estimated value be for them . Thanks Amanda

    • Hi, Amanda —

      Sure thing, please post a few clear photos of those couple coins here in the comments forum and I’ll be happy to offer the best insight/advice I can.

      Thank you,

  12. I have a 1965 quarter that weighs 5.90 g an one at 5.57 would those both be most likely copper nickel or would 5.9 b closer to a well circulated silver? What would you say?

    • Hi, Justin —

      It’s hard to say for certain without seeing some clear photos of the coin and also testing it metallurgically. At 5.9 grams it’s on the high side for copper nickel clad (even above tolerances) but WAY below the low-end for the silver weight. If you see a brownish colored edge on the quarter it’s copper-nickel but if the edge is silvery it might be worth having it checked out by a reputable coin dealer in your area or submitting it for further evaluation by a third-party coin grader.

      Best of luck,

    • Hi, Kerri —

      Would you please post the other side of your North Carolina quarter? I’m trying to determine if this is possibly a rarer die trial strike or simply a worn/sanded coin. There seems to be a seam or some other anomaly around the edge of of the 1965 quarter… Something is off with it and it might be altered. There also seems to be signs of heat damage to the piece. Definitely not a mint error but damaged or maybe counterfeit.


  13. Hi Josh,
    Reviewing 5 rolls of dimes, I found interesting coins. Hope you can help me.
    1. First line, 3 1965 weighing 2.21 grs each. How can I determine if they are or not silver? I also found some 1966-1969 also weighing 2.22 or less.
    2. I know they might be just corrosion or weathering but they also appear to lack the clad layer.
    3. The last one weigh 2.26 grs. Post mint damage or strike thru something on the date (appears to be 2010 or 2016)

    https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/17fd20c7e94a4586dbc43d7f2f10cde4a0ab6baf745a4a422fb1831801478052.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/44a543a4c750f78d5a713a6241ce2b0cae235b81bb016a723d28f15021517df1.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4ef2347d11c43a48c02df6908df101673d75f8c975f1e4349a42a7ccdf4d7794.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/0128a86cbb39107e8b29e67d260202c8d4094184e50189b9aad5fa4cf2fe294d.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/fc7d3d73b89a49c9ad3396aad23b0715be717f4944c0d7bd9a0c10ac1f54d3a8.jpg

    • Hi, Richard —

      A standard silver dime weighs 2.5 grams, so none of the weights you mention here correspond with that — they’re all right within the clad tolerances. Unfortunately, what I see here with the dimes appear to be surface discoloration and environmental damage. While you could always have your suspected missing-clad dimes evaluated by a third-party grader to be sure, I’m seeing varying degrees of corrosion and porosity on those pieces, which leads me to believe they’re merely discolored, not missing clad errors.


    • Hi, Diana —

      It looks like your 1965 quarter has an altered rim, and it may have been rolled inward and upward in a process known as spooning — where the metal is pushed in with a blunt object. A similar effect can result when the coin is caught rolling at a high speed in a clothes dryer. Unfortunately though this is not an error and is worth face value.

      Thank you for reaching out,

  14. Hey Josh, I have a 1965 quarter that I think may be a transitional error coin. I would appreciate if you would look at it in these photos. It weighs 6.0g exactly.

    • Hi, AmynDebbie —

      The quarter appears darkened most likely due to environmental damage, but the matter of this being a transitional error/90% silver planchet would need to be determined with a gram scale that measures in increments of at least a tenth of a gram; it appears this scale provides readouts in whole integers. As that seems to be the case, this scale would not be able to determine through weight alone if this is a transitional error, because a 6.25-gram silver quarter rounds down to 6 and a regular copper-nickel clad quarter at 5.67 grams rounds up to 6.

      As I look closer at the edge photo, I do see what appears to be a darkening along the upper two-thirds of the rim, which would be consistent with the copper banding typically seen on the edge of a copper-nickel quarter.

      Based on what I see here, this is a normal 1965 quarter. However, if you wish to have it reevaluated it would need to be weighed on a gram scale with a higher-level readout to more conclusively determine if it’s a copper-nickel clad coin or silver error.

      Best wishes,

  15. Who and where do you guys and gals get your coins graded? I try to figure how to on Professional Coin Grading Service and I couldn’t make heads or tails on how to do that?

    • Hi, Shone —

      I’d love to help determine if your coin is a doubled die or shows machine doubling, but I’m afraid this photo is too blurry. If you could please share a clearer photo of your coin here I’d be happy to assist further.

      Thank you,


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