Tips For SORTING Pennies Dated BEFORE 1983! [Copper Penny Sorting 101]
Wondering how you should be SORTING pennies as you’re trying to find the most valuable ones? Watch how I sort PENNIES!
I’ve been saving copper pennies in a coffee can for 3+ years now. Why? Because copper pennies (Lincoln cents from 1982 and earlier) are worth 2x face value! I always sort my pennies into piles – so I can go through them later to search for copper pennies with errors or varieties that make them even MORE valuable.
I always sort my pennies into piles – so I can go through them later to search for copper pennies with errors or varieties that make them even MORE valuable.
These are the piles I use:
- Copper pennies I haven’t go gone through yet (to look for obvious errors and key dates)
- Copper pennies I’ve gone through but found nothing of obvious valuable at first glance
- Uncirculated copper pennies (they’re worth 5-10 cents each!)
- Copper pennies that could contain errors (specific dates… for example 1972 was a very good year for doubled dies, 1959-s pennies, 1960 “small date” varieties).
I will need to use a 5x magnifying glass or coin loupe to research these pennies further. I do this every 3 years or so with the copper pennies I save up. It’s a relatively profitable task – searching for copper pennies in your pocket change or coin roll hunting.