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Articles By:

Joshua McMorrow-Hernandez

Josh is the Editor and a prolific contributor at U.S. Coins Guide, where he’s authored nearly 1,000 articles – many garnering over 50,000 shares! His passion for sharing knowledge extends to reader interaction – feel free to leave your coin questions in the comments section of any of his articles.

Did you know that the Indian Head penny does not actually have an Indian on it? It's Lady Liberty wearing an Indian headdress! Here are some fun facts about Indian Head pennies and the ones that are the most valuable today.

You don't need to be wealthy to buy silver coins. Here are 4 ways to buy cheap silver coins when you're on a budget. Plus, tips for collecting silver coins when you're on a budget. Before you buy silver coins, read this!

Want something fun to do with coins... and your kids? How about playing a fun coin game?! These 14 free coin games teach children about U.S. coins and thd value of money.

Money & Coins

How is money made? How does American currency go from being printed by the government to winding up at your local bank, in stores, and in your pocket? Here's an easy-to-understand article showing how money gets distributed into commerce, how to track where your dollar bills have been, and how long money in circulation lasts.

Some Roosevelt dimes are worth tens (even hundreds) of dollars! See which ones in this list of Roosevelt dime values - which also includes rare dimes. And if you have any 2009 dimes, hold onto them - because there's a good chance the 2009 Roosevelt dime will eventually become scarce (what is known as a key date coin).

Charles E. Barber was a coin designer who gained recognition for his depictions of Liberty on coins. His Liberty Head designs for the dime, quarter, and half dollar were so popular that those coins were actually called Barber coins rather than Liberty Head coins! The Barber nickel was called a Liberty Head nickel though.