Articles Tagged:

U.S. Mint

Have a 1912 penny? Want to know how much it's worth? Here's a guide to see how much 1912 pennies are worth, 1912 wheat penny errors to look for, and more!

Here's a list of 1911 penny values, including the 1911-D penny and 1911-S penny.

Do coin collectors recommend buying Trump commemorative coins? Find out here. Everything you want to know about these political and cultural collectibles!

Ultimate Penny Error List - penny errors to look for, common & rare error pennies, unique pennies that look like errors but are not, and how much they're all worth!

America is getting rid of the penny. What happens if no more pennies are made? Will pennies become rare? What will pennies be worth? A US coin expert's take

Want some GOOD reasons to get rid of the penny? Doing so will save taxpayers money AND help coin collecting become a more popular hobby. I've got more...