Articles Tagged:

Gift Ideas

Collecting and using old coin holders has become fashionable among coin collectors who want to enjoy a slice of nostalgia; sometimes, buying old coin holders can save money compared to buying new coin holders.

Every coin collector must keep a coin inventory (or coin log). See why. Plus the best options for free coin inventory methods & coin inventory software.

making a custom coin

Personalized coins & custom coins are a fun way to add a little spice to your coin collecting hobby. Make coins for yourself or for others as gifts. Giving out custom coins is also a great way for an organization to make a first impression! Here's how to make personalized custom coins for a special event, a gift, or a personal anniversary.

I've used a lot of coin magnifiers! See what the best magnifying glass for coins is, why you need one, and why the magnification you choose matters.

I recently found a great coin collecting starter set for young coin collectors. See why I like the US Mint's Explore & Discover Kit and why it's such a great gift for kids!

Have you ever assembled Birth Year Coin Sets or Conception Year Coin Sets. The idea is to pick out of pocket change an example of each coin you find that was struck the year you (or someone you love) was born or conceived. Here are some clever ideas for making your own coin sets by year extra special!