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1913 Lincoln pennies can be worth thousands of dollars! Find out how much your 1913 penny is worth. Plus info on 1913 wheat penny errors, mintage numbers, and more.

Have a 1912 penny? Want to know how much it's worth? Here's a guide to see how much 1912 pennies are worth, 1912 wheat penny errors to look for, and more!

Here's a list of 1911 penny values, including the 1911-D penny and 1911-S penny.

1910 pennies are scarce collectible coins worth 25 cents to $100... or more! Find out how much your 1910 penny is worth here. Plus 1920 wheat penny errors to look for

The 1909 VDB wheat penny is one of the most interesting (and valuable) coins in the Lincoln cent series. Find out here if you have the one that's worth $650+ OR if you have the one that's worth $12+. Either way, if you see a tiny VDB on the coin, then you've got a historic and valuable coin! The 1909 VDB penny has a unique story.

Ultimate Penny Error List - penny errors to look for, common & rare error pennies, unique pennies that look like errors but are not, and how much they're all worth!