Articles Tagged:

Coin Holders & Storage

Collecting and using old coin holders has become fashionable among coin collectors who want to enjoy a slice of nostalgia; sometimes, buying old coin holders can save money compared to buying new coin holders.

Professional coin collectors use very unique words when describing coins. Here are the top 10 coin terms you need to know to succeed in coin collecting.

Slabbed coins are often expensive, high-grade, and rare coins. Slabbed coins often represent a 'safe buy'. Here's what you need to know about slabbed coins.

Fun With Coins When You’re Stuck Indoors - 5 fun things to do with coins to avoid cabin fever, have a lot of fun, and (maybe) make you a little richer too!

Handling an estate coin collection can be a difficult task, but these 5 tips will make that daunting task much easier for you.

Coin folders and coin albums each have their own pros & cons. Keep in mind your own needs as a coin collector before you buy either one. I like to use coin albums for my most expensive coin collections and coin folders for all the rest.

Old Coin Supplies

Thinking of buying old coin collecting supplies such as books, folders, albums, or display cases? A coin expert's opinion before you buy used coin supplies.

cheap coin supplies

Collecting coins on a shoestring budget? Need a way to display, store, or organize your coins? Here are 5 cheap coin supplies you simply can't be without.

coin collecting supplies

There are 5 coin collecting supplies that every numismatist needs. A coin price guide is a given. See what the other 4 are.