Articles Tagged:

Cleaning Coins

Looking for rare coins in your spare change? The exact coins to look for in your change, Easiest way to check a coin’s value online, Best U.S. coins to keep

Grading a mint state coin can be difficult in a world with so many possible grades for a mint state coin. This guide should help you in better assigning a grade to your uncirculated coin.

Wondering how to clean coins? Have some old coins that are in serious need of a cleaning?... Only low-grade extremely dirty coins will benefit from a good cleaning. Medium- and high-grade coins will actually go down in value if you attempt to clean them, so use your best judgment. Here are the best ways to clean coins, while doing the least damage to the coin itself.

You've probably heard you shouldn't clean coins because it lowers their value. Here's the proper way to clean coins without damaging them + 4 ways NOT to clean coins.

Damaged U.S. coins are not valuable. Some damaged coins have been cleaned while others are bent or have holes. See photos of various types of coin damage.

Little-known facts & trivia about U.S. pennies that, as a collector of coins, you should definitely know! How many of these 50 penny facts did you know?