Hobbies & CraftsRare U.S. Coins

Error Coins, Rare Coins, And Varieties – Interested in rare U.S. coins? Here, our coin experts are sharing their best tips for finding rare coins, error coins, and mistakes! See how to tell a rare coin from a fake one, current rare coin values, which rare coins can be found in circulation, and how many rare coins actually exist. Plus, how to tell a damaged coin that’s worth very little apart from an error coin that’s worth a lot of money! Everything you want to know about rare pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, half-dollars, and dollar coins.

While there is no single answer that defines the 'best coins to collect' (because everyone has a different opinion as to the best coins worth holding onto), here are some ideas and opinions from others who collect coins. See which coins they've chosen to collect and why. Hint: They're NOT all rare U.S. coins!

Think you have some rare penny dates in your collection? Here are 23 of the most valuable rare Lincoln Memorial penny key dates to look for + their values.

Have you seen a 1787 coin that says Mind Your Business on it? It's a Fugio Cent - the first United States coin! Here's the 1787 Fugio Cent value & history.

Jefferson nickels with Full Steps details are relatively scarce AND valuable! See what Full Steps nickels are + How much they're worth.

Broadstrike error coins are wider & flatter than normal coins. Find out how broad strike coins are made, how much they're worth, and where to find them!

I've put together a list of 9 rare pennies you should hold onto - and why. This include 1943 pennies! Plus, how to find the current value of any U.S. penny.