Valuable NICKELS

This playlist helps you find and identify valuable U.S. nickels!
Whether you actually collect nickels OR you just found a few interesting nickels recently… these videos will be HELPFUL to you.
You’ll find HONEST advice for anyone trying to start or build a collection of nickels — including Buffalo nickels, Liberty Head nickels, Shield nickels, Error nickels, Silver nickels, and other collectible nickels.
You’ll also learn about current nickel VALUES and RARE nickels worth money that you can find in circulation today!
I’m Josh, the Coin Editor at the U.S. Coins Guide. I’ve been collecting coins for over 30 years. In these videos, I’m sharing my knowledge about U.S. nickels with the purpose of helping you identify valuable nickels worth money.
So grab your nickels and join me in exploring the fascinating HISTORY and value of U.S. nickels.